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How to make hydrangeas bloom until autumn?

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Here at Bem Informado we tell you how to make the hydrangeas in your garden bloom from summer until autumn. Iñigo Segurola tells us the secret to pruning to prolong flowering.

Furthermore, we tell you how to plant hydrangea cuttings in a simple way, without the need to use rooting hormone. Don't miss it!

How to Make Hydrangeas Bloom Until Fall – Late BloomingThis late blooming is due to proper pruning. And it is that a good pruning of hydrangeas will give us several flowers.

How many times can hydrangeas bloom? 3 times. A first flowering at the beginning of summer, a possible flowering in the middle of the summer season and finally, at the beginning of autumn, a late flowering, which is what we are going to explain to you on this occasion.

The hydrangea, as it is a shrub, tends to produce very vigorous suckers and, in its crown, at the tip of this sucker, is where the flower comes out.

We can see that there are suckers with flowers and others that have not flowered. If we leave these suckers without flowers without cutting, next year the first flowers of the season will appear from these suckers.

In addition to these suckers, there are lateral branches that guarantee the second flowering. These branches bloom in early July and this flowering, as you can see, has already completely faded.

And finally, there are the old branches. Those that are older are the ones that must be cut completely from the base. In this way, we will give vigor to the plant so that it produces new suckers and some of them can flower at the beginning of autumn.

This way, we guarantee flowering throughout the summer and part of the autumn.

How to plant hydrangea seedlings

We have already talked on other occasions about how to cut hydrangeas: with a mixture of substrate and mineral soil in equal parts. Mineral soil retains more moisture, which is what the hydrangea needs when it takes root.

Making hydrangea cuttings is very simple. It is necessary to cut below the bud and insert it into the substrate, leaving a second bud to protrude.

In this form of cutting, no rooting hormones are required.

In this way, we can enjoy the colors of this shrub, yes, keeping them in shady conditions, high humidity and cool environments, which is what hydrangeas appreciate.

Floral center with autumn hydrangeas

Hydrangea petals, once they begin to ripen, take on different shades.

In this case, this flower was a bluish tone, evolved into a lilac color and now some beautiful garnet spots or spots have appeared.

It's the perfect time to cut them and use them as dried flowers.

At the beginning, place them in a container with a little water, so that they finish lignifying, to completely harden the petals.

Afterwards, these flowers will last for years if they are in dry environments. Moisture tends to eat colors.

To make a center, remove the leaves and place them in a container. Cut the stem if it is too long, and if you want, you can cut them too.

How to Dry Hydrangeas

If you want to know how to dry hydrangeas, don't worry, we will give you the keys to success below.

To get dried hydrangeas with color and volume, it is very important to cut them at the right time. When is the best time? In late summer, preferably on a hot, dry day.

We will cut them with the long stem and tear off the leaves, as they affect the drying of the flower.

We will place them separately from each other so that air can circulate, in a dry, warm and well-ventilated place for two weeks.

It is also important to hide them from the sun, as light is one of the color's biggest enemies.

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