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How to guess my next chest in Clash Royale

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clash royale

Clash Royale has become a hugely popular game all over the world. It is a game that can be accessed on multiple platforms, which is another reason why it is so popular. Something that many users want to know when playing is being able to guess what their next chest will be in Clash Royale. Many want to know if this is even possible.

Knowing which chest you're going to get in a game like this can make your life a lot easier. It can also influence the strategy you're going to follow or your next actions. Fortunately, it's possible to know which chest will be dropped next in Clash Royale. There are tricks that make this possible.

How to find the chest in Clash Royale

The game does not have this feature natively. In other words, within Clash Royale there is no way to know which chest will be next for us. Therefore, when we want to access this information, we will have to resort to third-party tools. The good news is that we have options in this regard that will make this possible. In addition, it is something within the reach of any player in this game.

There is a website where we can find the information we are looking for. So in a matter of seconds we will be able to see the next chest that will reach us in the game. As we mentioned, this is information that can be very useful. It can help us determine the next actions we are going to take, if we know what awaits us in that next chest that will reach us.

What is there to do?

This site we are talking about is Stats Royale, which may sound familiar to some of you. It is a website where we can access all kinds of data and information about the game, so we can also use it for that. We can also use it to find out which chest we will get next in Clash Royale. So we will have to enter this web page, something we can do on any of our devices.

At the top of the web page we can see that there is a box where we can write something. In this box, the Tag #XXXXXX appears and here we must write our player code in the game . By entering this information, the web page will show us which chest will be next for us. We already have the information we were looking for in this case, very easy to obtain, as you can see.

The player code is something that we can find under our pseudonym in the game. Once we have entered this code on the web, it is normal for us to be asked to update the profile. We do so and it is then that we can see a series of data on the screen. They are shown statistics about our Clash Royale account , as you might imagine. There is one option in this list of account data that interests us.

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