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Application for financial control: Discover Mobilis now

Aplicativo para controle financeiro: Conheça agora o Mobilis

Even though the financial situation of the Brazilian population is at a delicate moment, many may opt for solutions such as apps just like Mobilis to be able to organize your own money. In fact, when making proper use of apps This way, it is possible to regularize your finances.


The finance control process used to be done using manual processes or hiring accounting professionals. But from software simple to handle and obtain, such as cell phone applications for financial management, it is possible to obtain greater control.

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According to a survey by the National Confederation of Store Managers (CNDL), the number of Brazilian consumers who do not control, or try to control and are unable to control, their own spending reaches 48%. Given this reality, it is undeniable that applications in this category can be of great use.

Among the various options available in App Store as in Play Store, we highlight the Mobillis as one of the best free alternatives, so you can manage your financial life daily, anytime, anywhere, in the palm of your hand. 

Aplicativo para controle financeiro: Conheça agora o Mobilis
Application for financial control: Discover Mobilis now / Image credits pexels

Mobillis: a practical solution to your financial problems

Being one of the most downloaded and best-rated finance management applications on the internet, Mobillis makes it possible to track all your income and expenses. By separating expenses monthly, it brings personalized investment possibilities for you. 

The application stands out from the rest due to its diverse functionalities. For example: the possibility of separating your debts using a geolocation system is a big differentiator. This tool allows individuals to locate in which environments and times of the day they spend the most money.

In fact, this is one of the few applications that allow you to synchronize more than one bank account, credit and debit cards. Another detail is that it even allows the possibility of managing loan payments, in addition to enabling loan requests with the company that developed the application. 

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Also thinking about your needs, Mobillis has a tool that helps you choose the best credit card. Based on the evaluation of the specificities and benefits, the app associates this data with your financial characteristics, which makes it an application adaptable to anyone's needs.

O app It brings with it several infographics to facilitate user understanding. In addition, it has the possibility of printing or compressing spreadsheets into documents. Another detail is that it offers the saving of details in the cloud to consume less memory on the device it is being used on.

How to register and start using Mobillis

To register on the application, simply download it from a digital store and click on “register”, making it possible to link the registration to accounts in the Google or the Facebook. From then on, the application guides you by giving options so you can select your own needs.

Aplicativo para controle financeiro: Conheça agora o Mobilis
Application for financial control: Discover Mobilis now / Image credits pexels

Therefore, after this process, registration is already complete. The customer is now left to link their cards to the application manually with physical cards or through automatic processes with digital cards.  After that, you have the freedom to add different records of financial transactions.

It is possible to specifically catalog each transaction, being able to add descriptions, attachments and labels. So, uOne of the few problems you may face using this application is the initial complexity of getting used to the various features of the application. app

However, the application itself encourages you to learn about its resources to make it easier to adapt. Above all, this is one of the best-rated apps in the main app stores (Play Store It is App Store). 

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