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How to get a bad credit card? View details and tips

Como conseguir um cartão de crédito para negativado? Veja os detalhes e as dicas

Lately, the credit card Many people are negative, this can be very worrying, due to the high interest rates, especially if you have a negative balance. With that in mind, you might be interested in knowing how to get a credit card if you have a bad credit card.


Therefore, our team has put together for you a simple and quick way to get this credit card benefit. So check out now step by step on how to do this method that can help you!

Payroll credit card

The simplest and most practical way is with a credit card., it comes with a pre-determined limit. In this type of credit, you register directly on your payroll to use as collateral.


For the bank, this is very important and avoids problems, as this way they can be sure of payment next month. That way, regardless of whether or not you are negative, you can use a new credit card.

Como conseguir um cartão de crédito para negativado? Veja os detalhes e as dicas
How to get a credit card for negative people? See details and tips / Image credits freepik

Who can apply for a credit card?

The assigned card can only be requested by a variety of people, and can be contracted by pensioners of the INSS, retirees, public servants, employees of private companies and military personnel. You most likely fit into one of these options.

How much is the card limit?

The card limit changes according to each person and group. You can define it as follows: multiply 5% of your monthly income by 25. This way, you calculate your limit, but the bank will provide this information.

Most of the time this amount is enough to start a project or perhaps make any pending payments. Therefore, you will not need a value greater than this to close your plan.

Also remember to be very careful, because, if you are unable to pay the card, this leads to new debt. It's never a good idea to try to get out of one problem by getting into another, so only do it if you're sure!

How to increase your credit card score even if it is negative?

You should know that one of the most talked about criteria when it comes to credit cards is the score. O score is a score linked directly to your CPF which reflects on your relationship with debts and payments, informing you about your reliability.

Therefore, when you hire any service, One of the things that can get in the way is your score. Increasing it is not at all simple, especially if you are in the red.

To be able to increase this score, The ideal is to clear your name, do this by renegotiating your debts. So, with a good contract, you can complete them, increasing your points again.

Como conseguir um cartão de crédito para negativado? Veja os detalhes e as dicas
How to get a credit card for negative people? See details and tips / Image credits pixabay

If you are unable to pay off your debts immediately, try using Positive Registry. It will record your payments in your current account, so when you pay what you owe, the score It's going to go up very quickly.

What is the minimum score for a credit card?

Still talking about score, the minimum will largely depend on which banking institution we are talking about. There is no way for you to know the minimum value of score request, this is because it is not defined! Each company defines its own, so contact the bank secretariat.

Some allow you to access this function with lower notes, some others only with higher notes. But the most accurate thing to say is that from 700 points, most banks already accept.

Some platforms allow you to do a simulation with your CPF to find out whether or not it would be accepted. This can help you a lot so you don't waste time with companies that don't support you.

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