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How to check the PIS? See how simple it is

Como consultar o PIS? Veja como é simples

If you are one of the people who can use the benefit of PIS, you will definitely like to see how consult the PIS for the Internet. The process is very simple, you will just need to follow a few easy steps using your cell phone.


Therefore, Caixa Econômica Federal released information on the consultation of this value on Thursday the 25th of this month. All of this using only the application FGTS, Service Time Guarantee Fund.

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Consult the PIS through the application FGTS

In the first place, to be able to consult your values from the PIS 2022, you will need to follow a few simple steps. This way, you will already be able to see the value on your cell phone. So, the step by step is very easy, check it out!

Application FGTS

As we mentioned above, the first step you need to do is open your application FGTS. If you don't already have it on your cell phone, just download it using your cell phone's app store. O app is available for both iOS as for android.

After that, go to the app's home screen, where some basic information about the application's general menu will appear. There you will be able to consult all your data.

On the home screen, you will be able to identify a message that says “You have withdrawal available”. So, it is through this message that you will be able to consult your main data. Keep an eye!

Withdrawal from PIS

After entering the option to see if you have any loot available, some other options will appear. You therefore need to click on the one that says about withdrawal PIS/PASEP.

By choosing this option, you can also check your account details. So when you get in there, you'll be able to consult all the values on your PIS.

Como consultar o PIS? Veja como é simples
How to consult the PIS? See how simple it is / Image credit Freepik

How to withdraw PIS?

To withdraw your PIS, you need to follow the same steps to query the value. Logo in the withdrawal option PIS/PASEP you can already find information on how to withdraw the amount.

PIS withdrawal in physical channels

Still, you may want to make withdrawals through physical channels. However, for this, you have a limit to withdrawal per day of up to R$ 3,000.00. To make this withdrawal, you will need your Social Card, from lottery units.

Still, if you don't have a lottery unit close to you, the services from Caixa Econômica Federal also provide this type of service.

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