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Exclusive: Cristiano Ronaldo's participation in the European Championship confirmed

See more about what's new in this Edition of the Eurocup.


The European Championship, officially known as the UEFA European Football Championship, is one of the most prestigious football tournaments in the world, bringing together the best national teams in Europe. Held every four years, the competition is a spectacle of skill, strategy and passion, attracting millions of fans around the globe. Since its first edition in 1960, the European Championship has been the stage for historic moments and memorable performances that have shaped the history of European football.

The 2024 edition is no exception. With strong and talented teams, expectations surrounding the tournament are enormous. Each match promises to be a clash of the titans, where refined tactics and individual talents can make the difference between victory and defeat. In this context, one player in particular attracts special attention: Cristiano Ronaldo.


A milestone in the European Cup

Cristiano Ronaldo, one of the greatest players of all time, has a special relationship with the European Championship. Since his first participation in 2004, when he was still a promising youngster, Ronaldo has evolved to become one of the tournament's main protagonists. His European Championship career is marked by memorable moments, spectacular goals and a profound impact on the performance of the Portuguese national team. Over the years, he has broken countless records and solidified his legacy as a true football legend.

In the 2024 edition, Ronaldo is once again in the spotlight. At 39, he continues to defy expectations and redefine the limits of what is possible for an athlete his age. His participation in Euro 2024 is a testament to his longevity, dedication and passion for the sport. As captain of the Portuguese national team, he not only carries the weight of expectations of millions of fans, but also serves as a beacon of inspiration for his teammates.

Eurocup history

The European Championship had its first edition in 1960, being organized by the Union of European Football Associations (UEFA). Since then, the tournament has grown in importance and prestige, standing out as a showcase for European talent. Over the decades, the competition has seen the rise of several iconic nations and players who have left their mark on football history.

Cristiano Ronaldo and the European Cup

Cristiano Ronaldo, one of the greatest players of all time, has a special relationship with the European Championship. Since his first participation in 2004, when he was still a promising youngster, Ronaldo has evolved to become one of the tournament's main protagonists. His European Championship career is marked by memorable moments, spectacular goals and a profound impact on the performance of the Portuguese national team.

Cristiano Ronaldo's participation in Euro 2024

In the 2024 edition, Cristiano Ronaldo continues to be a central figure in the Portugal team. With his experience, leadership and unparalleled skill, he is determined to lead his team to further success on the European stage.

Preparation and Fitness

Ronaldo's preparation for Euro 2024 was intense and meticulous, as always. Known for his commitment to fitness and hard work, he entered the tournament in excellent condition, ready to face Europe's best players. His focus and determination are inspiring to his teammates and fans around the world.

Gaming Performance

Since the start of the competition, Ronaldo has demonstrated why he is considered one of the best in the world. His goals and assists were crucial for Portugal to progress through the tournament stages. His ability to decide games at critical moments, whether through accurate free kicks, powerful headers or quick dribbles, continues to be a valuable weapon for his team.

Records and Achievements

In this edition, Ronaldo broke a few more records, further consolidating his position in the history of football. He extended his record as the greatest scorer in the history of the European Championship, in addition to reaching new marks in participations and victories. Each game was an opportunity for Ronaldo to showcase his mastery and contribute significantly to Portugal's success.

Ronaldo's impact on the Portuguese national team

Cristiano Ronaldo's influence goes beyond his skills on the pitch. As captain, he is a natural leader, inspiring his colleagues with his example and motivation. His presence brings confidence and boosts the team's morale, which feeds on his energy and determination. For younger players, Ronaldo is a role model, someone who personifies what it means to be a dedicated professional who is passionate about the sport.

Expectations and Future

With the group stage completed and Portugal advancing to the knockout stages, expectations surrounding Ronaldo and his team are high. With each game, the possibility of Ronaldo lifting the European Cup trophy once again becomes more real. His tireless pursuit of excellence and his desire to win continue to drive Portugal towards success.

Euro 2024 is another brilliant page in Cristiano Ronaldo's career. Your participation not only raises the level of competition, but also inspires millions of fans around the world. Regardless of the final results, Ronaldo has already made his mark, proving once again why he is a living football legend. With each game, he reminds us of the beauty of the sport and the passion it brings to everyone who watches.

Common questions:

How important is the European Championship in the European football scene?

The European Championship is one of the most prestigious football tournaments in Europe, bringing together the best national teams and offering a platform for individual and collective talents to shine.

How many times has Cristiano Ronaldo participated in the European Championship before 2024?

Before 2024, Cristiano Ronaldo participated in five editions of the European Championship: 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016 and 2020.

How many goals has Cristiano Ronaldo scored in the European Championship before 2024?

Before 2024, Cristiano Ronaldo scored 14 goals in the European Championship, being the highest scorer in the history of the tournament.

What was Cristiano Ronaldo's preparation for Euro 2024?

Cristiano Ronaldo followed an intense and meticulous preparation, focusing on his physical and technical form to ensure a high level performance in the tournament.

What is Cristiano Ronaldo's role in the Portuguese team during Euro 2024?

Cristiano Ronaldo is the captain of the Portuguese national team, leading the team both on and off the field, inspiring his teammates with his experience and skills.

What records did Cristiano Ronaldo break or expand at Euro 2024?

At Euro 2024, Cristiano Ronaldo extended his record as the top scorer in the tournament's history and may have reached new milestones in participation and victories.

How does Cristiano Ronaldo's participation impact the Portuguese team's performance?

Cristiano Ronaldo's presence boosts the team's morale, brings confidence and inspiration to the players, as well as significantly increasing Portugal's chances of success in the tournament.