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Find out who is entitled to receive LOAS

How to get LOAs by age

See how to request LOAS by age.


In Brazil, a significant part of the elderly population faces challenges related to health, income and social assistance. For many elderly people in vulnerable situations, the Continuous Payment Benefit (BPC), known as LOAS (Organic Social Assistance Law), represents an important source of financial support and social assistance.

Aimed at people aged 65 or over, the BPC/LOAS by age aims to guarantee a minimum income for those who do not have the means to provide for their subsistence or have it provided for by their family.


You may be entitled to LOAS

Given the challenges faced by the elderly population, whether due to health, income or social isolation issues, access to BPC/LOAS by age can represent a significant difference in the quality of life and well-being of these individuals. However, the benefit application process is not always simple and often requires guidance and support to be completed successfully.

This complete guide was created with the aim of providing clear and detailed guidance for elderly people in vulnerable situations who are looking for information on how to obtain the BPC/LOAS by age. From the eligibility criteria to the application process with the National Social Security Institute (INSS), each stage is addressed in an accessible and informative way, aiming to enable applicants to overcome the barriers and difficulties faced in accessing the benefit.

In a country that values the care and protection of its elderly, it is essential that access to the BPC/LOAS by age is guaranteed in an efficient and dignified manner to all those who need it. May this guide contribute to achieving this objective and ensuring that more and more elderly people in vulnerable situations have access to a dignified and quality life.

Eligibility Criteria

To be entitled to BPC/LOAS by age, it is necessary to meet some specific criteria established by Brazilian legislation. The main requirements are:

  1. Age: The applicant must be 65 years of age or older at the time of applying for the benefit.
  2. Income: Per capita family income must be less than 1/4 of the current minimum wage.

Required Documentation

Before starting the BPC/LOAS application process by age, it is important to gather the necessary documentation to prove the eligibility criteria. Documents generally required include:

  • Identity document (RG) or Birth Certificate;
  • Individual Taxpayer Registration (CPF);
  • Proof of address;
  • Proof of family income;
  • Other documents that may be requested by INSS during the process.

Request Process

The BPC/LOAS application process by age involves the following steps:

  1. Scheduling: Schedule in-person service at an INSS agency through the INSS website (https://www.inss.gov.br/) or by calling 135.
  2. Attendance: Go to the INSS agency on the scheduled day and time, taking with you all the necessary documentation.
  3. Service: At INSS, you will be assisted by a server responsible for analyzing your documentation and starting the benefit request process.
  4. Follow-up: Follow the progress of your process through the INSS website or by calling 135. Be available to provide additional information if requested by the INSS.

Application Analysis

After submitting the documentation, INSS will begin analyzing your application. This process can take a few months and involve medical examinations, when necessary.

LOAS awaits you

In this comprehensive guide, we present the eligibility criteria, the application process and the steps necessary to obtain the BPC/LOAS by age from the National Social Security Institute (INSS). Our objective was to provide clear and detailed guidance for elderly people in vulnerable situations who are looking for information on how to access this important social right.

It is essential to recognize that access to BPC/LOAS by age is a right guaranteed by law, and that all elderly people in vulnerable situations have the right to seek this benefit in an efficient and dignified way. We encourage applicants to follow the steps outlined in this guide and to seek expert advice where necessary.

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